If your child is diagnosed with Asthma we ask that parents/carers notify the Academy and complete an asthma card which can be found Here or alternatively a paper copy can be collected from the Academy office.

An inhaler is also required and will be stored in the child’s classroom. It is the parents responsibility to ensure these are available and in date. Please can all inhalers be handed in to the academy office at the time of completing/returning the asthma card.These will then be given to the class teachers, who will store each inhaler in an individual bumbag,which the children will carry with them at all times within school or whilst off site on school trips.

In the event of an attack, staff are trained to remain calm and reassure the child. They encourage the child to breathe slowly and deeply, loosen any tight clothing, sit the child upright and provide plenty of space around them. If the child becomes distressed, or the reliever has no effect, or if there is any doubt about the child’s condition whatsoever, the parent/carer will be called along with the emergency services. 

The Academy does retain an emergency inhaler which can also be accessed from the Academy office.

If your child no longer requires an inhaler or there is a change to their original dosage/information provided on their asthma card, please notify the Academy so that we can ensure our records are up to date.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the academy office.