Maths Curriculum

Our aim at Gentleshaw Primary Academy is to equip all pupils with the skills and confidence to solve a range of problems through fluency with numbers and mathematical reasoning. We have created a Maths curriculum that makes learning meaningful, relevant and engaging. Our children learn through a mastery approach where children have opportunities to extend their learning at their own pace, ensuring that the small steps are mastered, whilst also allowing children to dive deeper into each of these steps. A key aspect of this mastery teaching throughout the school, is the use of practical apparatus to promote understanding of mathematical processes and ideas following the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract) approach. This progression of concepts  promotes strength of understanding  and children are challenged to apply this understanding  in  Maths lessons and the wider curriculum.


Our Maths curriculum is designed to create learners that are:

•Actively engaged and committed to developing themselves as mathematicians

•Successful, self-motivated and confident mathematicians

•Smart thinkers that problem solve with confidence and resilience

•Methodical in their approach and able to utilise written methods and apparatus to support their learning

•Able to work independently and as a member of a group, discussing concepts, ideas and processes

•Able to apply their Maths skills to a variety of real life situations and subjects

What Maths looks like in KS1

Maths in KS1 will:

  • Focus on learning skills through a heavily practical and pictorial approach

  • Take content in small steps to ensure a depth of understanding

  • Provide the foundations for secure place value knowledge

  • Equip children with a variety of different representations for each concept

Mastering Number in EYFS and KS1

Children in Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 follow the NCETM Mastering Number program. These short daily sessions allow children to develop their understanding and fluency of core number sense. This has a huge impact on children’s understanding and application of number to other areas of Maths and the wider curriculum.

For more information on Mastering Number:

What Maths looks like in KS2

Maths in KS2 will:

  • Focus on embedding skills through a more abstract approach

  • Consolidate formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

  • Provide and develop strategies for answering reasoning problems and multistep word problems

Useful links for Parents

Times Tables Rockstars (KS2)

Numbots (KS1)