
At Gentleshaw Primary Academy, our ultimate aim is that every member of our school community feels: safe, happy and valued. We encourage everyone to take responsibility for their actions and feel that the ability to resolve conflict is a vital part of a child’s learning process.

We strive to instill the importance of kindness and compassion in our pupils by leading by example, cultivating acts of kindness, using stories and through our PSHE curriculum.

We value and recognise that behaviour plays a fundamental role in pupils progress, achievement, and development both academically and personally.

In order to create a positive, secure learning environment, it is necessary to clearly define what is regarded as acceptable behaviour. We have six expectations that are promoted across the school from Early Years to Year 6, involving good sitting, listening, talking, thinking, looking and waiting. Teachers not only encourage children to follow these, but teach them what the positive behaviours look like. Thus enabling pupils to know how this behaviour is achieved and the value of it in and out of their school lives. These expectations are displayed in every classroom and adults will share visuals of the expectations to remind and support pupils in the classroom environment.

Throughout the school, every opportunity is taken to acknowledge positive behaviour in the belief that this encourages more such behaviour. Children are rewarded in a variety of ways and may receive stickers and certificates.

We take a positive approach to behaviour management and expect to work in partnership with parents in this. A copy of the school’s Behaviour Policy is available by following the link below.